Friday, December 10, 2010

More Khajuraho temples and pics of the locals...

My driver Haneef invited me to his home to meet his wife and his family.  I was honored to meet them and see where they live in their humble 2 bedroom house.

The poverty is so devastating in India.  I came across so many poor and blind and helpless people.  The guide said because their town is so small, these people are reliant solely on the townspeople, farmers  and the kindness of the tourists.  Unlike Delhi and Mumbai and some of the larger cities, the smaller towns do not have as many government resources agencies to help the poor.

"The World Bank estimates that 1.4 billion people live below an income of $1.25 per day and that 2.6 billion live below the $2 level worldwide."

Here are pics of the Eastern and Southern Temples

1 comment:

  1. What a mixed bag of photos!!! nice family pics, to extreme poverty to breathtaking scenes...Fantastic job Lyn!!! Continued safety my friend!
